Proactive Insights Helps Employees and Companies Reach Goals

NEW YORK, NY (July 01, 2020) – Proactive Insights has announced the upcoming opening of their website, which will help both employees and businesses to become more efficient and happy in an ever-changing economic landscape. Proactive Insights understands that employee engagement is essential to making any company a success. According to studies, disengaged employees cost organizations over half a trillion dollars in lost productivity every year. Unsatisfied workers are generally prone to complaining, which can lead to a loss of morale. In addition, unhappy employees tend to take sick days more and miss deadlines, which can undermine the work...

Proactive Insights Announces Release of New Employee Engagement Pulse Survey

NEW YORK, NY (April 1, 2020) – Proactive Insights launches new pulse survey that is completely free, allowing companies to check the health and well-being of their organization's culture, climate and through employee feedback. Proactive Insights has recently debuted their all-new free Employee Engagement Pulse Survey. This dynamic survey takes 2 to 3 minutes to complete and can be conducted frequently by using the same set of questions. The new pulse survey is offered to employees of a company to better gauge and evaluate employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall attitude. Given periodically, it allows clients to follow up with...

Revolutionary Employee Exit Survey with Predictive Analytics Helps Employers Learn Why Employees Leave

NEW YORK, NY (March 02, 2020) – Proactive Insights gives employers the opportunity to automate their exit survey process with powerful web-based system. One of the biggest challenges a company has to face is a high turnover of employees. When a company has a high turnover it can have a serious affect on their business. With the cost of advertising for replacements and training them, and the effect it has on a business when an important role is vacant, it is important to solve that problem. Thanks to the Revolutionary Employee Exit Survey, business leaders can learn why Employees...

Proactive Insights Anonymous Employee Online Suggestion Box Helps Employers Receive Critical Feedback

NEW YORK, NY (February 12, 2020) - A new online software has been launched to help employers understand their team’s concerns. The Proactive Insights Anonymous Employee Online Suggestion Box aims to help employers understand the problems and concerns about their business. The software will help increase staff retention by keeping morale high. The online software will also allow employees to make suggestions of how to make the business more successful. A New York-based Proactive Insights who enable Companies and Organizations to achieve optimum success has announced the launch of its latest online feedback software.  Suggestion Box, an...

Proactive Insights Announces Free Employee Self-Administered 360° Feedback Program Release Online

NEW YORK, NY (January 27, 2020) – First of Its Kind Revolutionary Leadership Assessment Program Empowers Employees New York-based Proactive Insights ( announces release of first of its kind revolutionary new leadership assessment program that is self-administered by employees. The program, 360º Xplore, an online 360-degree leadership feedback survey based assessment, empowers employees to take charge of their career and self-manage. At the end of the process, employees are provided with a personal leadership development plan, which allows for personalized priority action steps and strategic considerations to help them enhance their professional and personal development. Proactive Insights...

Employee STAY Survey Provides Revolutionary Way to Prevent Your Best Talent from Walking Out the Door

NEW YORK, NY (July 7, 2015)  - Revolutionary New Employee STAY Survey Just Released, Allowing Organizations to be Proactive About Retaining Their Talent. Proactive Insights ( has released a STAY Survey, allowing organizations to be proactive about retaining their talent. The survey does not gauge the redundant factors that many surveys currently employ. Instead, the survey takes a proactive stance to gain insight on such issues as employee expectations and goals, as well as issues that are being encountered in the workplace. The survey has been created by Proactive Insights and focuses on how...