Challenge - Extra Leadership and Management Training Programs

A riddle: It can be felt, but not seen. It can drain an organization of its resources without ever getting a paycheck, taking sick leave, or requiring reimbursement. It can rob employees of energy, enthusiasm, and innovation. It can persist for years despite careful and concerted efforts to eradicate it. What is it? The status quo.
Educator Laurence Peter said, "Bureaucracy defends the status quo, long past the time when the quo has lost its status."

Leadership affects everything
At Proactive Insights, our love for leadership drives who we are and what we do every day.


Proactive Insights has discovered the ultimate secret for quantum organizational improvement: Every breakthrough first requires a break with the old paradigms, practices, and principles that tether people and organizations to the status quo.

Introducing EXtra Leadership training programs and break-with insights (the power of small wins) that eliminate the ineffective status quo and that will take you and your organization to higher levels of performance.

Enable excellence

Break-With Insights

1. Lead from purpose, not from policies
2. Apply the principles of servant-leadership
3. Create extraordinary results through visioning, planning, executing, and adjusting
4. Empower employees by expecting and measuring progress and performance
5. Lead through listening
6. Continually build and rebuild important connections, partnerships, and relationships
7. Focus primarily on prevention to chronic organizational problems, not on treatment
8. Implement changes by focusing on the majority
9. Harness the power of small wins


EXtra Leadership Training Program for Managers

Organizations around the world have awoken to the reality that most people don’t leave the job—they leave managers. 75% of employees state the worst part of the job is their boss. Equip your supervisors with cutting-edge leadership skills and tools to be better servant leaders, customer focused and inspired beacons that deliver exceptional results. Invest in their leadership development.


Proactive Insights’ EXtra Leadership program for managers includes

Access to the Proactive Insights assessment tool

Customized training program to fit your needs:
1 or ½-day version

12 month package

Webinar versions

Two to four hours of pre-consultation with key stakeholders to diagnose your needs and customize the design and content of the program

EXtra Leadership Training Program for Employees

Organizations are not run by policies and procedures, scoreboards, mission statements, or information systems. Organizations are run by people—your employees. The effectiveness of your business hinges on the engagement of each individual who works for you. Stephen R. Covey said,

"Disengagement is what happens when people continue to work at a company, but have effectively quit … They put in what effort they must to get their paycheck and not get fired, but they’re not giving their talent, creativity, energy, or passion."

Inspiring front-line employees to stay engaged is a continual challenge for any business striving to meet and exceed organizational goals. Proactive Insights has been at the forefront of leadership development for many years. They have successfully lead teams through the vicissitudes of the workplace in a way that kept employees engaged, creative, and inspired.

In the EXtra Leadership training program for employees, front-line team members will learn how to tap into their passion and ingenuity to move the organization to new levels or performance.


Proactive Insights’ EXtra Leadership program for employees includes

Access to the Proactive Insights assessment tool

Customized training program to fit your needs:
1 or ½-day version

12 month package

Webinar versions

Two to four hours of pre-consultation with key stakeholders to diagnose your needs and customize the design and content of the program

Learning Objective

EXtra Leadership Program for (Managers or Employees)

P articipants will learn the 9 Break-With Insights from EXtra Leadership, and how they can establish a breakthrough approach to solving organizational, business, and leadership problems. Participants will be able to analyze why the pull of the status quo is so strong, and learn how to break with tradition, taking forward action that includes tapping into the talent of their staff, to make a positive difference for their organization.

Participants will learn about the steps required to move away from the command and control style of managing people, and how they can change their leadership style towards a more proactive, unleashing of talent approach. Participants will be able to describe the concept of paradigm shifts, and how to develop the ability to anticipate future problems before they exist, which will prevent (or significantly reduce) future problems and issues from ever occurring.

Participants will learn how to apply servant leadership principles, and how to serve colleagues and customers from the bottom up, not from the top down. For More information Contact Us

EXtra Leadership Program for Employees

Special Training Report

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EXtra Leadership Program for Managers

Special Training Report

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